Getting to your hunting positions without being noticed is one of the challenges of the sport. Moving into your duck blind or deer stand without making a lot of noise and without leaving a scent trail is highly important. While walking to your destination is a great option, carrying all your gear along can really be difficult.
Some hunters choose to use ATV’s for this job, but they can be noisy and scare off game. A great alternative to this issue is to use an ebike. Ebikes are very quiet and they can carry you to your location in virtual silence. In fact, riding an ebike will even make less noise than walking!
At eBike Generation we have selected only the best, most proven electric hunting bike brands in the US so we can offer well-built, top performing ebikes designed specifically for hunting. If the below selection is too much choice you could take a look at our selected Top 11 Electric Hunting Bikes for 2024.
While the brands listed below vary in a few areas, style, motor type and different strengths you will definitely find an electric bike for your specific hunting needs.
Electric hunting bikes are built to be taken up hills, down log roads and through wooded areas where regular city electric bikes would not be equipped to handle. So take a look through the pre-selected brands below and choose an electric hunting bike that will be your greatest asset on your next trip.
In addition, since August 29th 2019 a new Secretarial Order was issued with immediate effect allowing all ebikes up to 750 watt to access Federal lands and natural parks anywhere accessible by regular bicycles. So you now have more freedom than ever before on your eBike.
Here's the copy of the Order# 3376 ( click here to read it )