Electric Bicycle 101: Is An Electric Bike Worth It?

Electric Bicycle 101: Is An Electric Bike Worth It?


When you hear the word electric bicycle, what is the first image that comes to mind? You may tend to picture a motorcycle or a scooter. However, an electric bicycle looks quite different from these vehicles. To answer all your questions about the electric bike, read on!  


What is an Electric Bike?

An electric bicycle, often shortened to electric bike or eBike, is simply a bicycle with an electric motor. These vehicles look just like a regular bicycle at first glance. However, their main difference is that they have an electric assist. Because of that, the rider need not exert as much effort as compared to when riding a regular bicycle. 


Electric bikes have a boost or throttle option, but riders still need to pedal in unison. When the charge in the electric bikes runs out, riders can use it like a regular bike. Electric features of the eBike complement the power of the human rider. The electric bike cannot completely replace it, so the rider still has to exert energy.


Like other battery-powered devices, you will need to charge your electric bike. When the battery runs low, you can recharge it by plugging the electric bike into a wall socket. The charging process may take two to eight hours, depending on the battery quality. 


Furthermore, specialized types of eBikes exist to cater to the rider’s needs, such as the electric hunting bike. The electric hunting bike is faster and quieter as compared to regular electric bikes. It can also carry heavier loads, making it useful when hunting.


How does an Electric Bike Work?

As mentioned, you can operate electric bikes just like how you ride regular bikes! In riding an electric bike, you still have to pedal and direct the vehicle. You will have two mode options to choose from, which are electric-assist and pedal-only.


In pedal-only mode, your electric bike will work as a regular bicycle. The bicycle will provide no extra support, and the human-exerted power will solely make the bike move. This mode is often used on straightaways to conserve battery.


On the other hand, the electric-assist mode combines electric and human power. The bicycle assists your pedal, so there will be less resistance to your pedal stride. This option is very convenient for more challenging roads, such as traversing an uphill or a jagged path. 


Electric Bike

Benefits of Using an Electric Bike

As years go by, technology has been continuously improving the way we live our lives. The electric bike is a technological breakthrough that helps us conserve our human energy. Read on to know more about the pros of buying an electric bike. Is it worth buying an electric bike?Read on to know more about its benefits. 


An electric bike can reduce the impact of biking on your joints.

Since electric bicycles provide a battery-powered pedal assist, you will not have to exert as much effort. Biking using traditional bicycles may be physically painful for some users, especially for those with joint problems. Biking at long distances and steep inclines may damage one’s joints due to overexertion. Oftentimes, people of old age and those with preexisting health conditions have these kinds of problems.


Electric bikes allow everyone to experience the health benefits of biking without the repercussions for those who have preexisting conditions. An electric bike will be helpful to someone who needs exercise but has physical impediments that limit their movement. 


An electric bike will help increase your biking mileage.

Riding an electric bike will let you cover miles and miles of distance with minimal effort. Due to its pedal assist, you may ride the bike for longer periods of time without inducing fatigue. Moreover, you can also travel with a faster speed, which helps reduce your commute time. An eBike will be helpful in situations that require you to fast, like getting to the office in the morning.


Moreover, the design of an electric bike is built to endure and cover longer distances. Traditional bikes do not have this advantage. Thus, you would not have to worry about damaging your bike during long rides. 


An electric bike is just as effective as a traditional bike in improving your fitness level.

Although electric bikes provide the comfort of assisted pedaling, you can still get quality exercise from them. Exercise is good for your physical and mental health, so riding an electric bike can improve your overall well-being. Habitually riding your electric bike has the same benefits of regularly going to the gym!. Here are some specific health benefits of the electric bike. 

It helps you build muscle mass.

When you ride the electric bike, you would have to pedal and maintain your posture. These moves help you build strong muscles in your body, specifically your core, glutes, and legs. Furthermore, riding in pedal-assist mode will let you go on longer rides, which boosts your muscle endurance. 

It helps you boost your metabolism.

Training with your electric bike at medium intensity for long periods will let your body adapt its metabolism rate. A faster metabolism signifies that you burn more calories within the day. Thus, riding an electric bicycle will be very helpful to those who want to regulate their weight. 

It helps improve your mental wellbeing. 

Quality exercise is excellent for your mental health. Leading an active lifestyle helps boost self-esteem and reduce anxiety. Riding your electric bicycle will let your body produce endorphins, which boosts your mood.


Furthermore, riding your electric bike encourages you to go outside and get some fresh air. A change of scenery will let you relax and unwind, especially if you are in a stressful situation. Biking together may also be a social activity that will help you meet new friends. 

An electric bike will help you reduce your expenses. 

Using an electric bike instead of a car will help you save money. One main reason is that electric bicycles are less costly as compared to cars.Furthermore, you would not have to spend on fuel anymore! Diesel and petrol are costly resources whose prices often increase. Since your electric bike does not need fuel, you would not have to spend money on these anymore. When riding electric bikes, you just need to purchase affordable batteries.


An electric bike is great for traveling overseas. 

Cars are expensive to bring outside of the country. Electric bikes are way more portable compared to larger vehicles, so you can bring your eBikes with you when you travel.This will provide you with inexpensive and eco-friendly commute options when traveling overseas. 


An electric bike is a more efficient mode of transportation compared to riding trains overseas. Aside from the fact that an eBike is more environmentally-friendly, you will also have more freedom of movement. You do not need to stick to schedule restrictions, and you may also travel without crowds. Just make sure to research the electric bike guidelines of the specific country that you are visiting.

Electric bikes are available in a wide variety of designs. 

Bicycles are easily customizable. Thus, you can find the perfect electric bicycle according to your style and personality. Electric bikes can be modified according to your needs. These vehicles are very versatile, and you can easily spot the electric bike that is perfect for you.

An electric bike is good for the environment. 

Global warming and climate change are serious problems that our planet faces. If we do not do something soon, we may lose the Earth. We can do our share of saving the Earth by collectively riding electric bikes instead of motorcycles and cars.Is it worth buying an electric bike?Here are some environmental benefits of the electric bike.

It has zero emissions, thus preventing air pollution.

Electric bikes do not run on gas and diesel, unlike motorcycles, trucks, and cars. Gas and diesel release carbon emissions into the atmosphere, which contribute to the damage in the ozone layer. Since electric bikes run on clean energy, they are zero-emission vehicles and do not contribute to this damage.  


Furthermore, these emissions also cause air pollution, which is a grave problem to numerous urban areas. Air pollution is a fatal health hazard that may cause respiratory problems such as lung cancer. Riding an electric bicycle instead of a car will help save the environment in this aspect. 

It has long-lasting batteries.

The batteries of electric bicycles are long-lasting, so you do not need to replace them for several years. Furthermore, you can also recycle these batteries by taking them to a local recycling hub. Electric bike batteries do not contain lead, unlike the batteries of cars. This helps the environment because lead is a very notorious land and water pollutant. 

Riding an electric bike can help save roadways.

Since electric bikes are lighter as compared to cars and trucks, they cause less damage to the roads. Road damages need heavy machines for repair, and these machines produce high carbon emissions. Thus, saving the roadways will decrease our carbon emissions by a great margin. 


Riding an electric bike will influence your friends to do the same. 

Nowadays, everybody wants to be in with the trends. If a good number of us begin riding electric bikes, most of the population will follow. Given the benefits listed above, making the electric bike a popular mode of transportation will greatly increase our quality of life. 


We can start with ourselves, and then we may encourage our friends to ride electric bikes. Before we know it, everyone is riding an electric bike. If this continues in the future, we may all collectively save not only our health but also the planet.


How To Start Your Electric Bike Journey 

Now, you may be convinced to start riding an electric bike, but you are confused as to where to start. Worry no more, because we will be answering some of the frequently asked questions of beginner riders! Read carefully to catch all the information you need about riding your first electric bicycle. 


1) Can You Convert a Regular Bike to Electric?

Can you convert a regular bike to electric? - users who already have a traditional bike usually ask this question. The answer is yes, converting regular bicycles to electric is possible! You may do this transformation with the help of a conversion kit. A conversion kit is less costly than buying a new eBike, so it is a practical option for riders on a tight budget.


You may find conversion kits on your local bike stores, both physical and online. Keep in mind that these conversion kits require basic knowledge in soldering and electrical systems. You may ask a bike mechanic to help you with the conversion.


2) Can You Drive an Electric Bike Without a License?

Most countries consider electric bicycles similar to traditional bicycles. Thus, the regulations for regular bicycles apply to electronic bikes and so riders do not need to apply for licenses. However, other countries have different regulations as well. 


Make sure to check the ordinances of your country to make sure that you are following the rules. It is your responsibility as a rider to familiarize yourself with local eBike rules and regulations. Since electronic bicycles are very similar to traditional bicycles, you need to do your research thoroughly. 

Can You Drive an Electric Bike Without a License in Canada?

All the provinces of Canada allow riding an electric bicycle without a license. These provinces are:

  • Alberta
  • British Columbia
  • Manitoba
  • New Brunswick
  • Newfoundland
  • Nova Scotia
  • Ontario
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Quebec
  • Saskatchewan

However, keep in mind that these provinces may have their specific local regulations and requirements. In general, the electric bike must have a motor with less than 500 watts. Moreover, some provinces may require you to wear a helmet.


Can You Drive an Electric Bike Without a License in the United Kingdom?

In the United Kingdom, you must follow EU restrictions, and you must be at least 14 to ride. You do not need a license to ride an electric bicycle, since the UK is kind of lax. Keep in mind that the UK used to have weight limits for eBikes. However, you should not worry so much since the government removed these ordinances years ago.


Can You Drive an Electric Bike Without a License in the USA?

The United States Consumer Product Safety Act states that low-speed electric bicycles and tricycles are consumer-level. Different states have different licensing rules. Thus, you must study the specific state you are in before riding your electric bike.


Some states, like Alabama, treat electric bikes like mopeds. Thus, they do not have maximum speed limits for the electric bikes, but the max power must be 50 CC. Most states require wearing a helmet and being over the age of 14. Moreover, you must acquire a class M license for you to drive your electric bicycle around town. Alaska has a similar situation with Alabama, but their max power is 50 CC. The following states do not require a license for driving electric bikes.

  • Arizona
  • California
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Illinois
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Maryland
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Washington


3) Do you have to register an electric bike?

In the USA, there is no Federal law that bans the use of electric bicycles on public roads and highways. The rules and regulations regarding the registration of electric bikes depend on the specific state and the local authorities. Thus, you must review the Vehicle Code of your state to familiarize yourself with the regulations regarding electric bicycles.Do you have to register an electric bike? For the answer regarding some American states, refer to the section below.


Are electric bikes legal in California?

You can ride electric bicycles anywhere within the state of California. This is according to the California Department of Transportation, the government office assigned to regulate vehicle registration.Are electric bikes legal in California? The answer is yes, but the state may place a few restrictions regarding its proper usage and registration. 


Are electric bikes legal in Texas?

Are electric bikes legal in Texas?Yes! You can find electric bikes all over the state of Texas. However, you must drive at a speed of 20 miles per hour at maximum. Moreover, your electric bike must weigh 100 pounds or below. Moreover, if you are under the age of eighteen, you must wear a helmet when riding an eBike. 


Are electric bikes legal in Florida?

Yes, electric bikes are legal in Florida. The state of Florida classifies electric bikes as “Electric Helper-Motor Bicycles”. Moreover, you cannot exceed 20 miles per hour when riding an electric bike in this state. Consult the local government of Florida for the full registration process.

Are electric bikes legal in Nevada?

Yes, electric bicycles are legal in Nevada. However, you can only ride them on roads where the speed limit is lower than the speed of your electric bike. Moreover, you must ride your electric bike far to the right, and you must obey all the traffic rules.


4) Are electric bikes good for hills?

We all know how physically exhausting it is to ride a bike up to a steep hill. While doing so may give you the benefits of exercise, your legs can only bear so much stress. This is where electric bicycles come in handy, with the additional torque and power it provides to your manual pedal.


Climbing Uphill

The design of electric bikes ensures that they make climbing hills easier for the rider. The additional force they provide depends on their nominal power. Higher nominal power provides more strength for hill climbing. However, this level of nominal power reduces the distance that the electric bike can travel. Moreover, the electronic bike may have a lower average speed. 


When going up a hill, your electric bike cannot support and do all the work. You will also have to pedal hard since the electric bike can only complement your human power. If you want to climb steep hills all the time, you must choose an electronic bike that will cater to this need. 


Descending Downhill

After climbing a hill, you inevitably must cycle downhill. As mentioned earlier, the regenerative braking feature of electric bikes can help extend your battery life when going downhill. Thus, this adds miles to the distance that you can travel with your current battery level. You can thank this innovative feature of the electric bike that lets it regain the energy it spent going uphill.Are electric bikes good for hills? Definitely yes!


5) Are electric bikes legal on trails?

Yes, they are. According to the Bureau of Land Management, trail etiquette for electric bikes is the same as the ones for traditional bikes. Riding electric bikes on trails is legal, but you must consider other trail users. Moreover, you must keep in mind the protection of the trail and the natural resources surrounding it. 


Are electric bikes legal on trails? The answer is yes, but you must remember these key concepts.

  1. You must follow all posted trail rules. These may include adhering to speed limits, directional travel, and following directions protecting the trail.
  2. You must openly communicate with other users on the trail through regular communication devices. Use your calm voice and refrain from using obtrusive bells. 
  3. You must wear a helmet at all times. Moreover, utilize personal audio devices that help you hear wildlife and other trail users.
  4. You must use considerate passing techniques that do not encourage the widening of the trail.
  5. You must ride in manageable group numbers and make sure that your group does not negatively interfere with the trail experience of other users.

Final Thoughts

We hope we were able to answer all your questions regarding electric bikes! Keep the pointers mentioned in mind to guide you in your future electric bike purchases. Furthermore, consult the local guidelines before purchasing and riding your electric bike to ensure that you do not disobey any rules. Have fun with your electric bike journey, and always remember to stay safe!

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