PeopleforBikes Helping Connect Riders One Person at A Time

PeopleforBikes Helping Connect Riders One Person at A Time

PeopleforBikes is a worldwide organization that works to connect riders around the world.  It is their mission to advocate for riders and promote bike-friendly legislation in the United States on local and national levels.  This goal oriented group of people works hard to inform both riders and the general public about bike safety.  Today, we are going to take a deeper look into this organization and learn more about what they do. 


Electric Bicycle Regulation

 As technology merges with traditional bike riding, the advancements in the industry have helped produce the electric bicycle.  Regulating these new types of bikes has been a difficult process.  Many states and local governments are still trying to catch up with ebikes and their surge in popularity are making things even more confusing.  Riders who have purchased ebikes are also having a hard time learning when and where they can use their bikes.  Luckily, PeopleforBikes has worked hard to put together a comprehensive set of guides for each state in the nation.  Each of these guides will help inform riders about new regulations and guidelines that they should follow.  On their website, you can also find a map of the US that shows which states have ebike friendly laws and which ones have stricter laws that regulate the use of ebikes.  This is important information for consumers who need to review these laws before making an ebike purchase. 


Helping to Pass Ebike Friendly Legislation

 PeopleforBikes are not only helping to inform riders about the many different laws and regulations regarding ebikes, they are also helping pass legislation.  This ebike friendly organization offers guidelines and examples of laws that can help government across the nation develop their own ordinances.  By doing so, it is helping to create uniformed laws and regulations around the country.  By having uniformed laws, it will help both those that enforce the law and riders to better understand one another.  In the future, this will help things go more smoothly for everyone involved. 


Providing Ebike Retailers with Important Information

 Another area that PeopleforBikes is focusing on are retail establishments.  They work hand in hand with ebike retailers and help them learn about ebike rules and regulations in their particular region.  In turn, this allows the retailer to better inform the end customer.  Most people that are new to ebikes will have a lot of questions for retailers and being able to provide factual information is vital to the industry.  When a retailer is able to answer these important questions, it will help keep riders safe and stay within the law.  Ebike retailers often have trouble keeping up with the many different regulations that are being passed. But with help from PeopleforBikes, this process doesn’t have to be difficult. 


Providing Land Managers with Valuable Information

 Land managers across the nation are having to deal with the influx of ebike riders.  When the rules and regulations are not completely clear, many of these managers will vote to keep ebike riders off of their trails.  This can severely limit access to pathways and it is truly unfair to the ebike riders.  PeopleforBikes is working hard to prevent this type of discrimination from accruing by better informing land managers and teaching them about ebikes in general.  Hopefully, by proving land managers with this important information, it will open up new trails and bikeways in the future.  This is just one of the many goals that PeopleforBikes is working on. 


Up to Date Academic Research

 To support the ebike industry and help keep people informed, PeopleforBikes has created a list of current academic research.  This research has helped form ebike regulations on the national and state levels.  Without this important research, the ebike industry would surely not be where it is today.  On their website, you will find scientifically backed research on topics including ebike safety, the positive impact that ebikes have on the environment and many more.  When new academic studies are released, PeopleforBikes place it on their website so that anyone who wishes to learn about it can access it. 


Keeping Ebike Riders Safe

 Much of the work that PeopleforBikes do is keeping people safe while they are riding.  They help ebike riders learn the limitations of their bikes and what regulations they should follow to stay safe.  This is very important to the future of ebikes and it will help the industry grow without having laws passed against these devices.  When riders are informed, they often make better decisions and set positive examples for others.  This will help shed a positive light on the ebike industry and remove any of the misconceptions that some people have.  This ebike friendly group has a goal to keep everyone safe while enjoying their electric bikes and keeping others on the trail safe at the same time. 


Finding Ebike Friendly Trails

 PeopleforBikes help riders directly by providing valuable information on ebike friendly trails.  On their website, you will find a database of trails that allow ebikers to find places to ride in their local region.  This ebike advocacy group has cataloged 42,000 miles of riding trails that are ebike friendly.  Having such a huge database of trails will help riders easily find a place to enjoy their ebikes.  Additionally, PeopleforBikes is helping riders gain further access to trails with ebike advocacy.  If you would like to become an advocate in your area and help other riders gain access to local trails and pathways, you can find out how on their website.  You will find a wealth of information on this ebike advocacy group’s site that will help you get the process started.

As you can see, PeopleforBikes spends a lot of time helping inform people about ebikes.  Their helpful resources not only help riders new to the sport, they also provide information for retailers and government organizations.  PeopleforBikes is paving the way for ebikes and making sure that everyone stays safe while out on the trail.  This advocacy group is helping create standards in the ebike industry and laying the foundation for it’s future. 

eBike Generation is not affiliated in anyway with PeopleforBikes, we just wanted to share with you the good work that they are doing to create awareness and share the wealth of knowledge they continue to gather to help us all. 

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